The problem(s) with actually sitting through and paying attention to these meetings is that they are the height of PAIN, and mind numbing at the same time. I keep it on in the background in my office and when something I'm interested in comes up I pay more attention, then become exhausted very quickly. If one wants to torture oneself to the brink of insanity, just watch the public comment section all the way through., add on some KFC interactions and its over.

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Where is the CITY MANAGER in these issues? Why is he being ALLOWED to not give attention to these issues BEFORE commission meetings? He is being remiss in his responsibilities and this must stop.

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What should also upset CG residents is not moving the elections to coincide with the national elections in November which would have saved residents taxpayer money, The commissioners that objected claimed residents would be confused with the national agenda. What a croak. It is a slam on our cognitive abilities for their purpose of being elected by a small Kabul.

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Glad you highlighted this, definitely newsworthy!

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Richard Lara is correct. 41k is an absurd amount of money. Much like those surreptitious salary raises that are still a thorn on my side. Those are our tax dollars at work and I don’t believe any resident will “Opiniate different!” Yeah, I had to rewind a few times to make sure I heard it right 🙄

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And the S%$& Show goes on!!!!

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In Mr. Lara's preparation to run for Commissioner of Coral Gables, I hope that he has time to review the Code of the City of Coral Gables. Section 2-79(e)(2) states that "individuals who speak during the open public comment portion of the meeting shall be given three minutes during which to address the city commission." It appears that he had written down his comments but apparently not because he said the same thing over and over and over again during his 13-minute dialogue. I try and limit my comments to 3 minutes because it complies with the City Code, makes you prioritize your statements and is fair and respectful to other citizens who also want to speak. Mr. Lara's first public comment was a political speech introducing himself as a candidate that also violated City Code Section 2-79. If we had a Mayor who understood his role as the chairperson of these meetings per City Code Section 2-78(a), the meetings would be shorter, more civil and less toxic - like they use to be with other Mayors.

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Many thanks for your comments, Mr. Wells and for taking the time to view my commentary. Of course, please note in all fairness that I took questions from Commissioner Castro on this very important item. I appreciate your feedback.

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