Ariel's floating the idea of becoming a full time employee from the City of Coral Gables is a major RED FLAG. He is now using his charming rhetoric to get from his political appointment what he could not get as an entrepreneur ( a failed journalist ), a full time job with the power to set his own compensation. We need to start a grass root movement to get leeches like Ariel out from our city government, and to elect people who care about the fundamental and historical problems of the city ( which are all related to spending money without restrains ).
I am with you. How can we as residents get them out, before its to late....
Maybe petitions that they only care about themselves , not for the residents.
It has been visible to open eyes since their election.
Do not like them, how they compose themselves, and leave residents out,.
I will soon write more, do not have the time now, but I am interested in the way the City is going downhill, since Castro and Fernandez Joined forces with Menendez to take over the City Commission....Never seen this happen in Coral Gables.
Thank you for connecting the dots here, "fortunately for his comrades, Kirk realized what was happening and put the kibosh on the idea. After initially grumbling a bit of nonsense about the charter review committee, he made himself dictator perpetuo and forced a series of votes before his colleagues could finish their remarks." Very nice! You mean the new and improved incarnation of the charter review committee? The one that the new majority sneakily "gerymandered" to exclude voting representatives appointed by the City Manager, and the City Attorney, essentially stacking the committee? See R2023-267, which begins with, "WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Coral Gables is the constitutional document for the City, establishing the underlying structure of City government;" Whatever could go wrong here? Perhaps Kirk's grumbling was more than just that. I am hoping that we have at least three grownups on this committee that will stand for what's right for constituents, and not sell out to the petty and selfish abominations that we have seen as of late.
Politicians typically take their constituents/ taxpayers for granted, come election time many of them will be sorry. I heard the name Aesop by a Gables Insider commenter and i welcome a 2nd opinion on matters plaguing city hall. Interested in hearing any comment related to matters in Coral Gables Craft section Blk 36. Thank you
Ariel's floating the idea of becoming a full time employee from the City of Coral Gables is a major RED FLAG. He is now using his charming rhetoric to get from his political appointment what he could not get as an entrepreneur ( a failed journalist ), a full time job with the power to set his own compensation. We need to start a grass root movement to get leeches like Ariel out from our city government, and to elect people who care about the fundamental and historical problems of the city ( which are all related to spending money without restrains ).
I am with you. How can we as residents get them out, before its to late....
Maybe petitions that they only care about themselves , not for the residents.
It has been visible to open eyes since their election.
Do not like them, how they compose themselves, and leave residents out,.
I will soon write more, do not have the time now, but I am interested in the way the City is going downhill, since Castro and Fernandez Joined forces with Menendez to take over the City Commission....Never seen this happen in Coral Gables.
Thank you for connecting the dots here, "fortunately for his comrades, Kirk realized what was happening and put the kibosh on the idea. After initially grumbling a bit of nonsense about the charter review committee, he made himself dictator perpetuo and forced a series of votes before his colleagues could finish their remarks." Very nice! You mean the new and improved incarnation of the charter review committee? The one that the new majority sneakily "gerymandered" to exclude voting representatives appointed by the City Manager, and the City Attorney, essentially stacking the committee? See R2023-267, which begins with, "WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Coral Gables is the constitutional document for the City, establishing the underlying structure of City government;" Whatever could go wrong here? Perhaps Kirk's grumbling was more than just that. I am hoping that we have at least three grownups on this committee that will stand for what's right for constituents, and not sell out to the petty and selfish abominations that we have seen as of late.
Politicians typically take their constituents/ taxpayers for granted, come election time many of them will be sorry. I heard the name Aesop by a Gables Insider commenter and i welcome a 2nd opinion on matters plaguing city hall. Interested in hearing any comment related to matters in Coral Gables Craft section Blk 36. Thank you