
Gonzalo Sanabria is a familiar name, a familiar face, and an active member in our community beyond the extents of Coral Gables. Recently, Gonzalo has been especially vocal regarding the hiring of City Manager Amos Rojas Jr., calling it an ambush by Commissioners Menendez, Castro, and Fernandez. Gonzalo unequivocally condemns the three for the act, not only appearing before the Commission during public comments to express his concerns on September 24th, but also sharing an op-ed right here on Aesop’s Gables. If you haven’t read it or watched the recording of Gonzalo’s public comments, you can do so here.

Gonzalo is straight to the point and this episode of Politics in Paradise gives context to his stance on City Manager Rojas. The Commission meeting on October 22nd is also worth a watch, particularly item F.-1, which we talk about during this episode. Without further ado, here is Episode 7 of Politics in Paradise.