It blows my mind how commissioners Ariel, Castro, and Kirk are turning Coral Gables into a circus. Seriously, it's like they wake up every day asking, "How can we create more drama?" Instead of actually working on real issues that matter to residents, they're out here using a tragedy like 9/11 to stir the pot. Total political theater.

But here’s the kicker: because they've done such a bad job, more of us are now paying attention. So congrats, commissioners—you’ve successfully woken up an entire city that wasn’t even into politics before. People like me, who just wanted our city to thrive, are now stepping up and calling you out.

And then there’s Mayor Lago—this guy actually gets it. Anytime I’ve emailed, he responds. Meanwhile, the other commissioners? Crickets. No solutions, no help—just silence. It’s like they think the job is just a title and not actual work. We'll remember this during elections.

The difference is clear: one person cares about progress, the others care about playing "House of Cards" in a city that deserves better. I’m all in for improvement, not the drama.

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As a total and uncaring affront to the real citizens of Coral Gables, KFC brazenly ambushed and shoved an unqualified and unknown individual as Gables City Manager at an outrageously record-breaking high base salary way above all previous 3 City Managers. The facts show it and the public will be made aware of this blunderous move. One of the KFC ; if they’re savvy, should delete this onerous mistake for their sake and ours too

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Stardate 20.09.2024....

It has come to the attention of the intelligence committee of the U.S.S. Enterprise, through a reliable and trustworthy source, that the individuals known as Kirk, Melissa, and Ariel (often known to many as "KFC") have manipulated their positions in public office for their own personal benefits. The source of this data has also confirmed their lack of empathy towards the greater population of the community known as "Coral Gables" and have opted for theatrics rather than true legislative action in an attempt to capture the attention of the people they call "the residents."

After thoroughly evaluating and analyzing the data, the intelligence committee upon the U.S.S. Enterprise has determined that the statements made by an individual known as "Lago" are to be accurate and correct. "KFC" have left a wake of destruction in their paths consistent with the politics of the greatest tyrants that have ever existed and threatened the very foundations of democracy in the greater society known as "Earth".

After careful deliberation, the intelligence committee has determined that "KFC" are to be deemed "Public Enemy #1" and are to be handled and approached with immense caution.

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I love the whole crying because his father was scared. His father clearly doesn't care about him. If he did, he would've made sure to a better job raising a real man. Incase most of you have forgotten a real man provides for his family. A real man puts his family before everything else. this potato head jack in the box has completely failed at being a real man. A real man does not sit around milking his wife. The poor lady works her ass off to maintain that house. If anything he should look at her as an example not his father. He constantly fights the mayor in an effort to show strength. Even in that he fails. he has turned Coral Gables into Hialeah. Ariel Fernandez has failed at every single thing in his life.

Substitute teacher at Belen, FIRED!

Do boy for Ileana Ros-Lethinen, made coffee for 11 years.

Husband, FAIL!

Father, FAIL!

Son, FAIL!

He's so concerned about 9/11 really? He should more worried about his kids one day being proud of him. Loser couldn’t even keep that Rivian from being repossessed. I’ll leave my comments about the coke addict and the white Diddy for another day.

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Coral Gables is so fortunate to have three commissioners who have the best interests of the citizens of Coral Gables. Thank you!!!

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