You are correct: the City Manager runs the city bureaucracy. But, the city Manager reports to our elected officials, who among them, the Mayor is 'primus inter pares'. Either the City Manager respects and follows guidance from our elected officials, or he must resign. Simple as that.

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Time for the City Manager to resign, if he has any honor. We, the residents, elected Mayor Lago to be the leader of Coral Gables. If the City Manager does not agree with the direction that the Mayor wants to go, he need to resign from his post. It is simple as that. This is why we have a Mayor. If we do not like what the Mayor is doing, within 2 years, he will be replaced. But there is no room for City Managers not following the Mayor's direction to follow.

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Actually no. You’re wrong. Gables has a city manager strong government and the mayor is more of a figure head. Nothing to do with either of the two persons that currently sit in those spots. Other municipalities may have a mayor strong leadership but not coral gables. The city manger runs the administration

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