Perhaps Cruz will, “Blame It On The Rain”? (Gratuitous 80’s reference)

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Good one.

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This has all been a disgusting political circus. If you like or dislike the Mayor or the commission just wait for the next election.

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We support Mayor Lago!

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My big takeaway from this is there is another WhatsApp group discussing charter review! I want in.

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I love the comments from people who think Brito is art. At least I now know where a lot your fans are coming from.

Let me say that I have no love for either side of this cat fight. The only good thing about KFC is that they have neutralized, for the time being, the City of Miami slime that has been seeping into Coral Gables of late.

But, does Aesop really believe that Cruz is stupid enough to fill out multiple petitions? Is he/she not able to believe there is slime operating on both sides of this equation?

Your holier than thou veneer is beginning to wear thin.

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Gables Man, you're not a fan of satire? Glad you recognize the slime on both sides. As to KFC neutralizing the Miami slime, what do you refer to? Are you aware of the connections between the KFC propaganda outlet's (aka the "Gables Insider") present publisher, Javier Baños' to the slimiest of all Miami players, Crazy Joe Carollo? Javi is Crazy Joe's campaign treasurer and accountant. There is also a family connection. Please see link below from when Political Cortadito was playing things more down the middle.


Now there is some slime to recognize.

No Maria isn't stupid, but the recall effort did not get the signatures. That's the fact. Perhaps you just don't like a thick veneer of satire applied to facts.

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I could care less about the recall getting enough signatures. I do care about the possibility that there were slimy tricks going on regarding the additional "Cruz signed" petitions and I do care that the possibility was brushed off without a second thought.

Yes, art collectors around the world know who Alice Aycock is. Unfortunately people who have no clue about art would replace her work with Britos in a flash.

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Brito? You mean Alice Aycock, no? Personally, I don't like the flowers. I can take or leave Brito.

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This Shadow Government groupchat should be open to all! The charter review chat link should be posted here! Let everyone have a chance to speak their minds.

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Reminds me of the “beautiful” Tin Flowers in the he traffic circles!! Screw the public!!!

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Those flowers are awful.

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You can thank CG politics for them!

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Why "utilizing" instead of "using"?

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No one comments on this great substack. It really makes one think. We should feel free to express our thoughts and concerns. We need open forums where we can share ideas! Let us speak freely

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