Both Ladra and Gables Insider are silent about Dr Castro ethics violations. It say loudly that their newsletters are partisan pamphlets. They are not there to inform the citizens. They are there to indoctrinate the residents.

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It's obvious that they are bought and paid for propaganda outlets. If they really wished to inform, they would post relevant documents and links to the public record. The fact is that this would be inconvenient for the propagandist narrative they are slinging. The only way to combat this is for those that are really paying attention to put the information out there.

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Wait...Sally, who do you carry water for? You can't deny that Dr Melissa Castro is 100% Conflicted with her permit business doing 99% of their work on Coral Gables that Kirk's property benefits immensely from the up-zoning or that BOTH Biden and Ariel may have early symptoms of Aphasia. (This is when a person has difficulty with their language or speech). Nobody is covering these stories- so now when they are covered they are hit pieces?? Hit piece or not there was just too much not to hit..lets agree on that.

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You’re so obviously carrying water for Lago. No mention of his shady deals and self serving agenda. Where’s the “fair and balanced” in your “reporting”? Or is your role just to create a hit piece against people he doesn’t like? Seems so.

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Sally- this newsletter doesn’t claim to be fair and balanced. It’s “About” sections says, “Aesop’s Gables is a newsletter that explores the politics and culture of Coral Gables—the good, the bad, and the ugly of the City Beautiful. More commentary than news, AG examines the issues of the day from a personal perspective. The goal of this newsletter is to be occasionally informative, often interesting, and always honest.”

Coral Gables does not have any fair and balanced reporting we can rely on. It’s incumbent on us to cobble together the facts. That’s how it’s been for as long as I have lived here - only 11 years.

It’s good reading and lives up to being occasionally informative, often interesting, and always honest. I wish an equally talented writer would capture Lago in the same manner because there’s a lot of material to work with for certain.

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Completely agree, Jessica. At this time in our community, "fair and balanced" requires a lot of work by the constituency.

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Honest based on only a portion of the truth. The author has conveniently left out pertinent facts that neuter many of the snarky comments .

Regarding the salary increases, the fact that Kirk asked for the increase and that the City Manager met with each Commissioner individually to explain the pay increase prior to the Commission meeting. That would renter Lagos incredulity at the following meeting laughable.

Or that Castro requested an ethics opinion many months prior to the one being currently discussed and received an opinion that her business with the City was acceptable under certain circumstances.

Maybe a better angle to investigate would be why/how did the ethics committee change their previous decision? Did someone influence them?

Before calling other publications compromised, people should be asking who is behind this one.

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Who is behind this comment, “Gables Man”?

I don’t care, just making a point.

I continue to highlight the fact that many people are not comfortable using their names due to political targeting. It’s a valid concern.

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Dear Sally,

Given that the author provides backup documentation which allows readers to make up their own minds, I don't see this as a "hit piece." It is more of an exposé blended with satire. It may not be "fair and balanced," but it is informative. Sadly, to get "fair and balanced" in this town one has to do some heavy lifting. The other blogs cover Lago, but ignore Menendez, Fernandez and Castro. My perspective on things is based on Aesop's, the Insider, and Political Cortadito topped off by a lot of homework watching the meetings online, either live or recorded. They are easily accessible. For example, the last meeting is here:


Scroll down the item index to quickly have a look at the items of interest.

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Agree . .

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Seem that "Aesop" doesn't want to use their real name. Why? Maybe because they know what they are spewing is a fable.

How likely is that Aesop has a financial interest in changing the face of the Coral Gables?

We need to keep Coral Gables a beautiful family friendly hometown that George Merrick envisioned. For people like Lago, Anderson and even Menendez that want to sell the city to developers, I can only suggest to move to a city that has desperate needs, Opa-locka.

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a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.

"the fable of the sick lion and the wary fox"

Bill, I think you mean "fiction." In either way, open your eyes or those of others. If you actually meant fiction, then where is it? Otherwise, most will see this as projection.

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