There are many of us that know what is going on in the City, working there everyday. What hypocrisy! Melissa insist on trying to run the bldg dept directing staff as if she were their director. She comes in here and tells us how to deal with permit runners - really???? Does no one else see the conflict??? Why do residents continue to allow this behavior?

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I totally agree with you. We need to get them OUT, sooner than later.

Melissa should stay out of building department.It is her conflict of interest, wanting her permits done ASAP. She does not care about the Residents, employees, only herself interest.

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Is Mr Rojas applying for Homeland Security? He seems like a nice enough fellow but what is his experience in dealing with developers? Any engineering background? What is his proficiency in financial management? A CM must be capable of analyzing complex issues to enact policies. No disrespect to Mr Rojas but he would be a great candidate to work alongside Chief Hudak but sadly, this man does not possess the qualities necessary to be our City Manager. Please keep searching!!!!!

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Agree 100%

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Just finished listening to the clip. Two more comments:

Since when is "retired" the same as "license revoked"? Maybe Ms. Cruz can elaborate. She lost her teaching license, not retired.

Second, since when does "volunteering" mean getting paid about 300K a year? Let's as the new city manager as he said he was there to volunteer his services. No, he was there to strong arm his way into 300k a year.

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Part of the Song "

"Bring in the CLOWNS"......

Don't you love farce?

My (Our) fault, (ARIEL, Melissa, KIRK) I fear

I(we) thought that you'd want what I (we) want

Sorry, my dear!

But where are the clowns

Send in the clowns

Don't bother, they're here

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Like all good dictators, Ariel has created an imaginary crisis to justify the necessity of his extreme measures. In fact, I would not put it past him to have sent out the anonymous text, threats, etc,, in order to further feed that narrative. And Kirk, wow, what a sleazy liar for jumping on this narrative when he is the first one that warrants investigation to clean out this "cesspool"!

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Once again, total agreement. SMART.

Ariel creates these BIG, HUGE messes to then do as he pleases.

Of courses he sent out texts , threats etc, that;s why they did not do police reports,

Talk about KIRK, he is a snake, sleazy one. "His mockery on the dias".

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Ariel sounds more like caCarollo every time I hear him. He and his posse need to go before we end up owing 63 million for abuse of power. He talks about "the process" and they have just railroaded a new CM without even a proper interview! This is completely unethical. Can we start a recall?

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I never thought the decay would ensue as quickly as it has. Given the severity of KFC’s actions, A recall might be our only option. I’m not sure what the procedure would look like, but someone with your ability to research might be able to summarize the process and so we the public could know what it would look like.

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I saw the meeting yesterday," it was a total farce."

This City is going down if this keeps up.

I say we need to replace all 3 amigos.

Unprofessional to say the least.

With the new City Manager picked by Ariel and no one else knew who this individual is or was. The 3 still voted him in....what an embarrassment for us residents.

Ii am still in AWE...

So this new City Manager is " Puppet on a String " for Ariel, will do as commanded by Ariel anad the 2 others. We do not have a Commission, as we knew Coral Gables to be...

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Ariel, the orchestrator of this charade, is taking the banana republic dictator handbook to the letter: high moral and ethics statements, and then at the first opportunity, he self approve a massive salary increase, or he breaks all the reasonable rules to hire a senior employee of any organization. If you look to any of those dictators: Somoza, Papa Doc, Chavez, Castro, Noriega and so on, this is what you find: high purpose statements, personal enrichment, and their cronies in key positions. Coral Gables is becoming a Banana Republic.

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Voting to give themselves 100% raises and firing Peter? We should’ve call the lot of them. Not to worry, the new inexperienced city manager and those power hungry commissioners will fk up somehow. At this point, one simply has to sit back and watch. The merchants in CG on Giralda and the Mile are getting hammered. Sales are down 70%. Even after all of the merchants signed a letter to the mayor and got some ridiculous response back stating “parking revenues are down 70% in the Gables” and the city has no money to step in and help with anything” they vote to give themselves a 100% raise? How out of touch can they possibly be? There are 25+ spaces for lease just on the Mile. Get rid of the lot of them.

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This here just proves the “City Beautiful” is rotten and corrupt to the core. Only hope we have is to wipe this slate completely clean and rid ourselves as homeowners of this decadent filth. It’s a travesty, sham and an embarrassment!

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I don't listen to anyone who voted themselves a pay raise. It should have been decided by the VOTERS! Truly a clown show and thanks for sharing!

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What a S...Show.

The corruption and banana republic mentality of the rest of the County has oozed into the Gables.

The citizens need to clean house.


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Who is "Accountable Coral Gables"? and where is their money coming from?

Will they be accountable?

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Dear Gables Man, permit me to ask you this. Are you ok with the raises Castro, Fernandez and Menendez awarded themselves? Pretty hefty sum for a part-time gig wouldn’t you agree? Did your property taxes also go up? You can thank Castro, Fernandez and Menendez for that one as well. Are you ok with the ungodly amount allotted for car allowance? All of this comes out of your hard earned money. So the next time you believe that Lago and Anderson are in bed with developers, take a good look and see who actually did not take a pay raise, along with a colossal car expense and who voted down property taxes. Ask Castro where her bread and butter comes from. Do you know she permits the LARGEST Developers in Coral Gables! So next time you wonder who exactly is accountable take a look at the TROIKA we have on the commission. It would behoove you to sign those petitions. Just sayin’😉

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Someone feeling guilty?

Did I accuse anyone of being "in bed with developers" or raising my taxes?

I just want to know who is behind "Being Accountable".

If they are accountable, what is the problem?

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Perhaps you should read the petitions because it sounds like you haven’t bothered to read or sign any of them. I do not understand your “guilty” statement.

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You keep skirting the issue.

I never commented on the validity of the petition.

I just want to know who is behind it and where the money is coming from, you know, Accountability.

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I heard the entire recording on the hiring CM issue. Based on what Mr Rojas said he agrees to be CM until next election so a national search is done during this time, however if we already have

Mr. Parjus as an experienced interim CM? This does not sound right. There is definitely disagreements within the 3-2 commission but i found it respectful. The 3-2 votes are on major issues but 90% of the items are an 5-0 consensus.

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Forget it, Jake. It's just the Gables.

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