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I was really surprised to find out that Javier Banos was involved with the defamation campaign against the former mayor. People who lived in South Miami know how disgusting it was. REALLY SAD. I have a friend who lives in Key Biscayne who told me that Ariel Fernandez ran the Fausto Gomez campaign and that it was super dirty and ugly. People still talk about how bad it was. I was surprised when Banos took over Gables Insider but people said it was because he was actually a mini Ariel Fernandez and now I have to say it makes alot of sense.

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Wow, this is one of the most fascinating guests thus far. So many topics being discussed. Sad to hear Gables settled with FPL on transmission lines. Civility is an issue that keeps coming up in Gables governance. Love the fact that the Mayor is a fly fisherman.

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