Aesop, some would say that Commissioner Castro and her proxies are just taking advantage of the wiggle room that the COE's opinion has provided. As I see it, the line between the ministerial and advocacy realms here can be a bit blurry and the Commissioner does appear to be trying to transact in that convenient blurriness. Whether she is succeeding at that remains to be seen. What is certain, and I am surprised this hasn't been brought up before, is that MED enjoys a clear competitive advantage over other permit expediters that ply their trade in the city. That's why the image of the Commissioner, sitting on the dais behind her Commissioner's nameplate, occupies prominent real estate on the MED website. This is unfair to other expediting firms competing for work on projects in Coral Gables. I submit that this is not only unfair, but also unethical. If I were a competitor, I would make this an issue.

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Her photo should not be on the website. Not a single image.

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That photo of Castro is quite misleading for MED Expeditors. It looks like the Dais endorses her business. And if that’s not the case, then that photo needs to be removed.

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Grossly mishandled by COE. Additionally I agree 100% with Mr Paul A. The photo of Commissioner Castro sitting on the Dais for her MED Expeditors advertisement is further proof of a failed system where one walks away with slap on the wrist. This should not be allowed. MED Expeditors is not the only permitting company in town and the monopoly of it all is pretty sickening. And why are City employees copying Ms Castro on an email regarding a 10% raise? Seems she’s got her tentacles wrapped around lots of folks there. Keep digging Aesops, this is only the beginning.

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The blind copy has me go 🤔

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Note Ms Castro’s business promotion features the Coral Gables City Seal, use of which is governed by ordinance:


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Its a known fact that Dr Castro pays city employees under the table and it gives a lot of context to “may the riches of Solomon be upon you.” Do her MED employees know city employees are being paid off? What do they know that we don’t? Public trust is at risk here and as someone who has been adjacent to her and around city hall enough, she’s not doing a very good job keeping it a secret

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