Damn! Imagine living your entire life, closet hopping. There isn’t a closet Kirk won’t go in. The guy is a habitual failure. Like they say. Watch out for the quiet ones. A true mastermind of mediocrity and leaching off of taxpayers. Judging by his snake pattern, we may see him again. I’ll bet good money that after he loses to Lago, he comes back as Parjus’ assistant.
As someone who's been working with the city for the past 15 years, and started fairly neutral with regards to this whole city drama, I have to say that Kirk Menendez has NEVER once answered a single email to me whenever we needed help with something. The only people who actually answer emails and address to fix issues are Vince Lago and Rhonda Anderson. That's all you need to know right there.
How can you have someone who is paid by us, the residents, who not only doesn't care about helping whenever issues arise, but also brings about so much discord and corruption to our city?
Kirk is anything but a leader, and I'm just happy that everyone knows that now.
I’d like to add another thought about the article.
Although I’m still trying to sort through all the drama in our city, I want to highlight a positive experience. When I had an issue with my trash collection and the waste management team (coral gables waste) didn’t respond, I decided to email the mayor. He not only resolved the issue promptly but also took the time to follow up and ensure everything was taken care of. That level of attention is truly impressive!
To Ms. Moscowitz's point about anonymous hatchet people, I think that even if those unnamed sources were not cited, Menedez's public C.V. is mediocre at very best.
To Steve's complaint, I cannot fathom the meaning of "Of course had to be democrat!" Party affiliation has nothing to do with city hall politics. If anything, it is the KFC faction that most closely emulates the cheap, bombastic populism of the current national leadership.
"I find this article to be quite disappointing. Instead of providing a fair assessment of Kirk, it seems to focus solely on attacking him without offering constructive critique or addressing his qualifications. As someone who is still trying to understand both candidates, I believe that discussions about their morals and education should be grounded in facts and respectful dialogue. I would prefer to see an article that promotes a more balanced view of the candidates, especially as we approach the election."
"....It seems to focus solely on attacking him without offering constructive critique or addressing his qualifications."
Aesop's spin on Menedez public service jobs is undoubtedly harsh. It can perhaps be argued that it is too harsh.
That said, Aesop is not a job coach. Why would he need to offer a constructive critique? So that Menendez can do better in his next City of Miami gig?
As to addressing Menedez's qualifications, I don't think it's a leap to say that a résumé encompassing years of undistinguished service in city management might have bearing on a candidate's ability to lead a city.
Damn! Imagine living your entire life, closet hopping. There isn’t a closet Kirk won’t go in. The guy is a habitual failure. Like they say. Watch out for the quiet ones. A true mastermind of mediocrity and leaching off of taxpayers. Judging by his snake pattern, we may see him again. I’ll bet good money that after he loses to Lago, he comes back as Parjus’ assistant.
Great read.
As someone who's been working with the city for the past 15 years, and started fairly neutral with regards to this whole city drama, I have to say that Kirk Menendez has NEVER once answered a single email to me whenever we needed help with something. The only people who actually answer emails and address to fix issues are Vince Lago and Rhonda Anderson. That's all you need to know right there.
How can you have someone who is paid by us, the residents, who not only doesn't care about helping whenever issues arise, but also brings about so much discord and corruption to our city?
Kirk is anything but a leader, and I'm just happy that everyone knows that now.
Great read...has information with facts and proof. Thank you for posting.
I’d like to add another thought about the article.
Although I’m still trying to sort through all the drama in our city, I want to highlight a positive experience. When I had an issue with my trash collection and the waste management team (coral gables waste) didn’t respond, I decided to email the mayor. He not only resolved the issue promptly but also took the time to follow up and ensure everything was taken care of. That level of attention is truly impressive!
It's clear for sure now that Lago is worried. it's a shame that he only uses anonymous hatchet people. Jane Moscowitz
awww the selective outrage I see. Not a single comment about Kirk's corruption and inefficiency. Well played Jane lol. Of course had to be democrat!
To Ms. Moscowitz's point about anonymous hatchet people, I think that even if those unnamed sources were not cited, Menedez's public C.V. is mediocre at very best.
To Steve's complaint, I cannot fathom the meaning of "Of course had to be democrat!" Party affiliation has nothing to do with city hall politics. If anything, it is the KFC faction that most closely emulates the cheap, bombastic populism of the current national leadership.
Slander and Libel are against the law, even for want to be writers!
"I find this article to be quite disappointing. Instead of providing a fair assessment of Kirk, it seems to focus solely on attacking him without offering constructive critique or addressing his qualifications. As someone who is still trying to understand both candidates, I believe that discussions about their morals and education should be grounded in facts and respectful dialogue. I would prefer to see an article that promotes a more balanced view of the candidates, especially as we approach the election."
"....It seems to focus solely on attacking him without offering constructive critique or addressing his qualifications."
Aesop's spin on Menedez public service jobs is undoubtedly harsh. It can perhaps be argued that it is too harsh.
That said, Aesop is not a job coach. Why would he need to offer a constructive critique? So that Menendez can do better in his next City of Miami gig?
As to addressing Menedez's qualifications, I don't think it's a leap to say that a résumé encompassing years of undistinguished service in city management might have bearing on a candidate's ability to lead a city.