This guy is not dumb, everything is calculated, he feels and acts like God and his plan is to get rid of the few that still care about the City and destroy the City Beautiful in the name of the residents.....
Tuesday is destined to become another fantastic episode in the reality show Ariel is quickly turning the Commission into! Perhaps it will be a turning point in Ariel's ill-fated career... His brief glimpse at (limited) stardom will quickly come to a close. His support must surely be dwindling as he continues to do irreparable damage to our City Beautiful. If his limited and few supporters somehow still believe Ariel to be their messiah after all this, then they too shall be complicit in the destruction of the community they so whole heartedly believe they have been destined to save.
I'm not sure Ariel read the city charter thoroughly enough before taking office! He clearly doesn't understand how the city works... At least he no longer goes around saying "I yield my time." He postures and pretends until he gets caught, and then he has to point the finger at someone to try and take the attention off himself. You might have just stated it best, Lucy!
Commissioner Fernandez is overlooking his role as a pubic servant. An appointment we all know he begged for. He fails to understand that he is accountable to represent an entire community and not just the few who voted for him. His intent to dismiss our City Manager lacks justification and is without merit.
I side with voters. You know, the ones that crushed Vinny Lake at the election. The ones rending garments with butt hurt are the losers who lost and their sycophants.
In fact, I challenge you to attend the Commission meeting tomorrow and share some of your thoughts. There is an opportunity for public comments after all. Defend yourself, prove a point, we'd love to hear you say these things on the record.
Your thought process is an enigma, Mr. Pedroso. First of all, Mayor Lago was unanimously re-elected. No opponent = unanimous support. Attempt to refute that point and you will reveal your childish and twisted understanding of American Democracy and the City of Coral Gables Charter. Go for it, I'm waiting. And those "voters" you refer to are a teensy-weensy group of people represented by the CGNA (those four letters and what they stand for are the equivalent of the sound a person makes when vomiting) who lack any real force in the Coral Gables political realm, but have convinced you that they represent ALL residents when in reality they are the most despicable group of people to walk the face of Coral Gables earth. Lastly, what in the world are you trying to say in that last sentence? Your keyboard is playing games with you again.
This will be my last engagement with anyone not man enough to use his real name, or who engages in name calling in the absence of substantive arguments. The “teensy weensy” - and you refer to others’ childishness- group of people is the same one that always votes in APRIL Gables elections, including when your hero Lago was elected. Your “argument” disproves itself, hilariously. And while the mayor wasn’t on the ballot the last time, his proxies were - and they were trounced. I put my hand in the fire for no politician, including those I vote for, and couldn’t care less if Iglesias is fired or retained. I’m just tired of the endless whining and complaining and bitterness coming from those who LOST at the polls, and who are now forced to actually consider what voters want from their elected officials.
Let's see how well your last comment ages, Mr. Pedroso. By the time the 2025 election comes around you will see how terribly Mr. Menendez, Mr. Fernandez, and Ms. Castro have failed our community. I'm willing to bet on it and I'm confident you will reap what you sow. My Vulcan mind perhaps processes and understands this situation from a more substantive position, but the human in me sympathizes for your inability to offer your own substantive arguments to defend your comments. Oh well, time will tell!
I wonder why you have your knickers in a twist. Is it because Aesop is able to achieve a level political insight that Baños and Ladra can only dream of? Are you butt-hurt by the fact that this doesn't fit into the narrative that Gables Insider and Political Cortadito have poisoned you with? I can do this all day Mr. Pedroso: facts are facts, narratives are narratives. Which do you prefer? Your preference seems clear, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Oh and careful with that keyboard of yours, the dollar sign just makes you look kinda 🤪
Soon enough it will become clear that it’s Aesop’s ox being gored. Anybody with enough time on their hands to write puerile ad hominem manifestos like this mu$t have $ome other intere$t in preserving Vinny Lake’s stranglehold. Probably missed out on one of those sweet no-bid contracts for city owned land.
So do you opt for the paid messaging provided to you by Gables Insider or Political Cortadito, Mr. Pedro$o? Are you telling us that you'd rather not think for yourself or take the time to educate yourself regarding the facts behind this issue? In other words... What are you on and can I have some? Seems like a fantastic trip to me!
This guy is not dumb, everything is calculated, he feels and acts like God and his plan is to get rid of the few that still care about the City and destroy the City Beautiful in the name of the residents.....
Tuesday is destined to become another fantastic episode in the reality show Ariel is quickly turning the Commission into! Perhaps it will be a turning point in Ariel's ill-fated career... His brief glimpse at (limited) stardom will quickly come to a close. His support must surely be dwindling as he continues to do irreparable damage to our City Beautiful. If his limited and few supporters somehow still believe Ariel to be their messiah after all this, then they too shall be complicit in the destruction of the community they so whole heartedly believe they have been destined to save.
Is this guy dumb or what! Of course the City Manager answers to three commissioners … duh🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm not sure Ariel read the city charter thoroughly enough before taking office! He clearly doesn't understand how the city works... At least he no longer goes around saying "I yield my time." He postures and pretends until he gets caught, and then he has to point the finger at someone to try and take the attention off himself. You might have just stated it best, Lucy!
Ah yes.. I had forgotten about “I yield my time”🤣🤣🤣
Commissioner Fernandez is overlooking his role as a pubic servant. An appointment we all know he begged for. He fails to understand that he is accountable to represent an entire community and not just the few who voted for him. His intent to dismiss our City Manager lacks justification and is without merit.
It's sad, really. He's in a position to do good but chooses destruction, lies, and hate. Sad, sad, "man".
I side with voters. You know, the ones that crushed Vinny Lake at the election. The ones rending garments with butt hurt are the losers who lost and their sycophants.
In fact, I challenge you to attend the Commission meeting tomorrow and share some of your thoughts. There is an opportunity for public comments after all. Defend yourself, prove a point, we'd love to hear you say these things on the record.
Your thought process is an enigma, Mr. Pedroso. First of all, Mayor Lago was unanimously re-elected. No opponent = unanimous support. Attempt to refute that point and you will reveal your childish and twisted understanding of American Democracy and the City of Coral Gables Charter. Go for it, I'm waiting. And those "voters" you refer to are a teensy-weensy group of people represented by the CGNA (those four letters and what they stand for are the equivalent of the sound a person makes when vomiting) who lack any real force in the Coral Gables political realm, but have convinced you that they represent ALL residents when in reality they are the most despicable group of people to walk the face of Coral Gables earth. Lastly, what in the world are you trying to say in that last sentence? Your keyboard is playing games with you again.
This will be my last engagement with anyone not man enough to use his real name, or who engages in name calling in the absence of substantive arguments. The “teensy weensy” - and you refer to others’ childishness- group of people is the same one that always votes in APRIL Gables elections, including when your hero Lago was elected. Your “argument” disproves itself, hilariously. And while the mayor wasn’t on the ballot the last time, his proxies were - and they were trounced. I put my hand in the fire for no politician, including those I vote for, and couldn’t care less if Iglesias is fired or retained. I’m just tired of the endless whining and complaining and bitterness coming from those who LOST at the polls, and who are now forced to actually consider what voters want from their elected officials.
Let's see how well your last comment ages, Mr. Pedroso. By the time the 2025 election comes around you will see how terribly Mr. Menendez, Mr. Fernandez, and Ms. Castro have failed our community. I'm willing to bet on it and I'm confident you will reap what you sow. My Vulcan mind perhaps processes and understands this situation from a more substantive position, but the human in me sympathizes for your inability to offer your own substantive arguments to defend your comments. Oh well, time will tell!
Mr $pock hides his identity as does Ae$op. I wonder why.
You are delusional!!! Just because you say (or write) it, doesn't make it true. But, plenty of idiots outgoing there.
I wonder why you have your knickers in a twist. Is it because Aesop is able to achieve a level political insight that Baños and Ladra can only dream of? Are you butt-hurt by the fact that this doesn't fit into the narrative that Gables Insider and Political Cortadito have poisoned you with? I can do this all day Mr. Pedroso: facts are facts, narratives are narratives. Which do you prefer? Your preference seems clear, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Oh and careful with that keyboard of yours, the dollar sign just makes you look kinda 🤪
Soon enough it will become clear that it’s Aesop’s ox being gored. Anybody with enough time on their hands to write puerile ad hominem manifestos like this mu$t have $ome other intere$t in preserving Vinny Lake’s stranglehold. Probably missed out on one of those sweet no-bid contracts for city owned land.
So do you opt for the paid messaging provided to you by Gables Insider or Political Cortadito, Mr. Pedro$o? Are you telling us that you'd rather not think for yourself or take the time to educate yourself regarding the facts behind this issue? In other words... What are you on and can I have some? Seems like a fantastic trip to me!