Moving the elections to November makes perfect sense. Not only will it streamline elections but it will boost voter turnout for local elections while saving the City money. This is a win win for voters.

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Spot on analysis, Aesop. Anyone who wants to see the dark Ariel at his darkest need only make a public records request for all "resident Ariel" emails to anyone at the City through the years. You will see that a good number of them reflect a sense of over the top entitlement and overbearing abusive behavior that no human being should be subjected to. They are so offensive that you may not want to read them, lest they ruin your most recent meal.

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Insightful. This article was worth the wait. Best so far!

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Spot on analysis, Aesop. Anyone who wants to see the dark Ariel at his darkest need only make a public records request for all "resident Ariel" emails to anyone at the City through the years. You will see that a good number of them reflect a sense of over the top entitlement and overbearing abusive behavior that no human being should be subjected to. They are so offensive that you may not want to read them, lest they ruin your most recent meal.

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