I am a recent subscriber to Aesop's. I've become increasingly disappointed with "KFC" and the direction they are taking the city. I voted for Ariel and Melissa because I thought they would be good for Coral Gables. A neighbor turned me on to this newsletter after he found out I didn't know that KFC gave themselves a salary increase and I was impressed by the depth of the information Aesop presents. All I can say after reading some of Aesop's post is that I am utterly embarrassed for ever having voted for Ariel and Melissa. I actually like Kirk but it's obvious he drank the kool-aid. So I'll be voting for Richard Lara in April. Thank you Aesop for being the antithesis of Political Cortadito and Gables Insider, we needed someone like you.

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Aesop, The nutrition detour is excellent! Keep it up. Most doctors tell us the majority of cancers, heart disease, gut issues, yada, yada, are caused by the food we consume. As my European friends shockingly note, Americans don't dine, they refuel. And, the fuel consumed is the bunker fuel of food, the lowest quality with the last nutrition. Europe BANS over 10,000 ingredients the USA allows in food. Keep spreading the truth!

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Still waiting for an apology for editing the words and face of Christ??? All you have is endless KFC bashing try to act human. Crickets.......

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