For my new readers, the title of this post is just a little convention I use to avoid saying that dreaded phrase we all hate to hear: I told you so!
This just in:
There's a lot to sink my teeth into there, but I'll save the bulk of my comments for after next Tuesday's commission meeting, where I imagine KFC will embarrass themselves by fawning over this human blackhole that spent the past year sucking up $300K of your tax dollars without offering a shred of recognizable benefit in return, while simultaneously spinning the abject failure of the most unqualified city manager in our city's (any city's?) history on a mayor who was not even allowed to meet with him.
Exit question for KFC sympathizers: If I'm nothing but a shill, a spin doctor for Lago and Anderson, can we at least admit that I'm an exceptionally good one? I mean, it would seem my "spin" is so effective that it actually alters the very fabric of spacetime to make all the crap I supposedly invent end up being true. Pretty amazing, right?
Let's hope that once closed, the chapter STAYS CLOSED.
What an awful year.
City needs to get back to BUSINESS
And that doesn't mean another whiplash half@$$ed CM appointment.
Perhaps now we can begin going back to normalcy. Coral Gables is a small city, granted, but it is full of entitled and exacting residents (like me, really) who demand services, responses, action. Amos Rojas did none of that.